Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I'm here..(the blog, that is)

I decided to start this blog to help me get into the word of God, the Bible. I feel like if I'm depending on me to post it and maybe some other people are too, then that will encourage me to get more into the word than I have been doing lately. I have had a drought in my walk with God and I'm ready to be on fire again! I named this blog TG1F...and you're probably thinking it means "thank God it's Friday", but you're wrong! It has a different meaning to it and I hope that it'll mean something to you. It means T-today G-God I-is F-first! Because if you put God first everyday, your day will be so much better. Whenever people wake up in the mornings, if they'd just think "Wow..I'm so glad God woke me up for another beautiful day on His Earth so that I can go do His will." their day would be a lot more pleasant than waking up on the wrong side of the bed! I hope you enjoy reading my posts. :) Have a great day.

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