Friday, May 11, 2012

And just when you think it's not, it really is!

I haven't wrote a blog in a very, very long time! But here goes another one :) Here's a quick update..I switched churches about two months ago. I have went to the same church since my mom brought me home from the hosptial, grew up with the kids in the church, that church is where I was most comfortable at. But see that's the problem..I was comfortable-in my comfort zone! So God moved me to another church where "I have grew in Him more than I ever have before. I am even working on my calling in life there, next Sunday I will have my very first youth worship band practice, which I am very excited about. So since the new church that I go to doesn't have Sunday night service, I go to my old church with my mom, sister, and cousins. Tonight I went there not expecting much to happen..just expecting the same ole-same ole and I got the exact opposite. Worship started and the presence of God was in the house so strong that you could physically feel it! Well..worship went on..and on..and on :) Then  Pastor Shawn picked up the micro phone and started talking. He told us to go find an older person to pray with and the older people find a young person to pray with. I had already made up in my mind I wasn't going to do it! I was just going to stand there and wait for the moment to be over with and to go back to worship. But then I looked back and scanned the back of the church and this lady caught my eye! God told me to pray with her..for a second I hesitated because I thought that this lady is beautiful, she looks like she has a perfect life..she doesn't need prayer I didn't even know her name!! But before I could talk myself out of it, I had already started walking over there! She was smiling and I didn't say a word to her, I just wrapped my arms around her really tight and she began to cry! And we began to sing together the song that was playing. She cried..and cried. When the song was through, she hugged me and smiled at me and I went back to my seat. I thought to myself, 'Goodness, I am so glad that I did that! That's exactly what God wanted me to do and it seems that lady needed a hug!' Without knowing anything about her, thinking that she didn't need prayer, I found out way differently after church. My mom passed by her and told her she would be praying for her for her Oncology appointment tomorrow! My mom told me that she had Breast Cancer. My heart broke because my grandmother that I called "MeMe" had died of breast cancer when I was 2 years old. My heart is for breast cancer. Everytime I see that little pink flag, it stirs my emotions. God had called me to go and pray for that lady and I didn't even know what for. But what I do know is that GOD called me to go pray for her!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homeless? No, he has a mansion in heaven!

My family, Phillip, and I previously went to the Bay of the Holy Spirit revival last night in downtown Mobile after hearing great stories about it. I had a terrible day, I was mad, and it just continued to get worse and worse. Everything made me upset and nothing could make me smile. Even though I was at a revival, and about to be in the presence of God.Today, I can't even remember what I was mad about, who I was mad at, or anything. So now it seems really dumb of myself to be mad and waste a whole day when I could've been happy. But that's beside the point. The point is that I was sitting in my chair, in the revival, waiting for it to begin, and I was mad. Angrily, I sit there as hundreds of people are walking around smiling, talking, fellowshipping, and having a great time. A man comes and sits in the seat in front of me, and it begins to smell terrible. The man is wearing tattered and torn clothes, the hair on his head is long and matted together (including his facial hair..and eyebrows), his finger nails are filled with dirt, his eyes..they're filled with desperation, hopelessness, and sadness, he has an old book bag that is filled with everything that he owns, and lastly..a red hat that every time he went out and came back in, he took it off in honor of being inside of a church service. That's what stood out most to me about him. My eyes began to fill with tears as I looked at this man because whatever I was mad about, it didn't matter anymore. Having a warm home on a cold night, an amazing family, and a cozy car to ride in back to my warm home should be enough to make me happy forever. What in the world could I have been mad about? This man is homeless, he has no home, nowhere to sleep, no family. Next week is Thanksgiving and I will be having a feast with a room full of family who are happy. Then, next month is Christmas. Wow. This changed my whole night, I wasn't mad anymore, my spirit was more thankful and humble than anything. So the service began and we worshiped and witnessed healing and then the Word was brought to us, and last, of course, alter call. Just like most alter calls at revivals, the man preaching the message called on anyone who didn't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Amazingly, the man got up out of his seat and walked down to the alter. He wanted to give his life to Jesus. So they prayed for him and talked to him for a while and afterwards, his eyes were not filled with desperation, or hopelessness, or sadness..they had a different look about them now. They were filled with hope and happiness. I don't know him, I don't know his name, or even where he is tonight, but I couldn't help but to think that even though he's homeless on this Earth doesn't mean he's not going to have a bigger mansion in heaven than some of us people with nice things, some people like us who let our foolish pride get in the way of a lot of things in life, especially Jesus.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The end is near, the end is near!!

The end of what? The end of the good times, my friend! The end of it being easy to live for Jesus everyday! Everyone has hopefully heard of the rapture, but if you haven' it is:
The bible says that Jesus will come in a flash of a second and take up all of the people that are saved under Jesus' sweet blood to heaven. And then, the people who are left here on earth will go through a 7 year period of pretty much hell on earth! You can still be saved, but it will be very, very hard! If you want to buy food, gas, anything at all you have to have a "stamp" it's called the "mark of the beast" and if you take it, it's denying Jesus ultimately and you will not be able to enter heaven when Jesus comes for the very last time. You either take the mark or you get your head chopped off, you aren't allowed to read your bible or pray aloud, your not aloud to speak of Jesus' name. It will be a horrible time for those people who are left here on earth. But yay for the people who get to go to heaven!
Do you like scary movies where you don't know what's going to happen next? Well that's kinda how some people live right now, in fear of the rapture! But if you have your heart right with God, you won't have to worry about a thing. In the bible it says that no one knows the hour in which Jesus will be coming back! NOT EVEN HIM! The only person who knows is God. You don't have to be afraid of the rapture, just trust in God. The key to having a great relationship with God is to pray and read your bible everyday. Praying=talking You can't have a relationship with someone if you never talk to them, right? It's the same with God. If you want a relationship you have to talk to him and read his love letter to you!
So before it's too late, get right with God and have a relationship with him..he's waiting on you! :)

The four letter word that makes the world go 'round! :)


Love makes the world go around.  I like the word love because it can mean so many different things. It can mean family love, romance love, friendship love, love-hate, there are so many! But..the greatest love that has ever existed is when Jesus died for us. For you, for me, and for the lady checking out your groceries at Walmart. Jesus loved us so very much that he gave his own life! You'll hear people say "I'd die for my children/wife/husband" and they might, but Jesus really did die for us. That is the greatest love I can ever accept.
"To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." Mark 12:33-34

It says there that loving him with everything that you possibly have and loving your neighbor (everyone around you) is more important than in bible times when they killed their fattest cow! It's more important than ALL burnt offerings and sacrafices. So all God is asking of us is to love him back. It's like a love story..God loves you and he sent his son to die for you, and your sins and all he hopes for is for you to love him back and obey him! Wow..that's amazing to me. For someone to love me that much and care about me that much to send their only son to die for me, that's love right there. Better love than your parents, than your significant other, and better than your friends.

Also, once you've found yourself in Christ, he will lead you to your one true love here on earth! And together, you can find happiness out of loving God together! really does make the world go 'round :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Unnamed Post

As I tried to name this post, I couldn't! I have no name for it and couldn't think of one, so it's "unnamed". This is a very serious topic, but it was heavy on my heart because of everything going on right now in society. For some reason, in the past years, homosexuality has become a FAD. In teens, in middle-aged people, and even in the elderly! It has spread and I know that in the day we live in today, it's nothing for two women to walk hand in hand or men to and even kiss while at school, at the mall, or at the grocery store! It's "normal" now and more importantly, it's "acceptable". Some churches accept it and say it's okay. GOD SAID IT'S NOT OKAY!  One scripture says Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 19:22 NIV  It says "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman" that means men shouldn't be with men as women are with men! It's wrong, it's bad, it's detestable! Another scripture says If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what it is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own hands. Leviticus 20:13 NIV Again, it says the word detestable! Now, when God says things two or more times you know he means business! So, I looked up the definition of the word DETESTABLE..
Detestable=Inspiring or deserving abhorrence or scorn. 
I then looked up the definition of the word abhorrence (because I had never heard of that word before). Abhorrence means "the strong feeling of dislike;a feeling of extreme loathing or aversion;a person or thing that is loathsome" 
Although God doesn't hate anyone, he strongly dislikes the sin that one person is pursuing. Now with the epidemic of suicide due to bullying of the homosexuals, I feel like this blog is needed. Everyone (including our President, Secretary of State, Celebrities, etc) is posting videos about how "it's going to get better", but it's not going to get better if you don't follow what God has for you. It's not going to be easy for you if you're doing wrong, it's going to be really hard! Having an "alternative lifestyle" isn't in God's plan for your life. Some people say 'well it's their choice' and others say 'they were born like that'. The first one is true, the second..not so much! God made every single person in the way that He would have them. But yes, we have choices in life. Some people just don't choose the right ones. So I guess what I'm saying is God said that homosexuality is WRONG..and it's not going to get better until you pursue God's plan for your life!

Why I'm here..(the blog, that is)

I decided to start this blog to help me get into the word of God, the Bible. I feel like if I'm depending on me to post it and maybe some other people are too, then that will encourage me to get more into the word than I have been doing lately. I have had a drought in my walk with God and I'm ready to be on fire again! I named this blog TG1F...and you're probably thinking it means "thank God it's Friday", but you're wrong! It has a different meaning to it and I hope that it'll mean something to you. It means T-today G-God I-is F-first! Because if you put God first everyday, your day will be so much better. Whenever people wake up in the mornings, if they'd just think "Wow..I'm so glad God woke me up for another beautiful day on His Earth so that I can go do His will." their day would be a lot more pleasant than waking up on the wrong side of the bed! I hope you enjoy reading my posts. :) Have a great day.